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Friday, September 21, 2012

Info Post
Yes, I had another one today. This specimen was not only misinformed, but also a self admitted racist. He was a middle aged, blue collar male.

This short encounter took place in the local barber shop and went something like this:

Barber: "So are you guys sick of all the political ads yet?"

Me: "Yeah."

Obamabot: "Yeah, but I tell you what. I don't think Obama is gonna win again. But, you know Romney probably won't win either. The incumbent still has a chance..."

Me: "Uhhh..Obama is the incumbent..."

Barber: "Yeah, Obama is the incumbent. You mean third party or what? Independent?"

Obamabot: "Yeah! That's what I meant. I don't really know much about politics as you can tell. I usually just vote straight Democrat down the ticket. But yeah, Bush left Obama with so much sh*t I don't see how he can clean it all up in 4 years. Then again, I'm not too thrilled about him being black either."

Barber: (laughing) "So what you're saying is you're prejudiced?"

Obamabot: "Yeah, I am!"

Me: "At least you're honest. Why do you vote straight Democrat?"

Obamabot: "I guess because I'm a working man, and Republicans are just for the rich."

Me: "What do you think about Obamacare being the largest tax hike in history? On the middle class?"

Obamabot: "Well, I don't really pay much attention to that..."

Me: "Ok, what about Solyndra?"

Obamabot: "What's that?"

Barber: "That's that green energy company Obama gave all that money to that went bankrupt ain't it..."

Me: "Ok, what do you think of Fast and Furious?"

Obamabot: "I don't know what that is."

Me: "Do you know anything about Obama?"

Obamabot: "Well, he's a Democrat and he wants to change things. So I guess he's my guy. But like I already told you guys, I'm not too thrilled about him being black..."

We carried on the conversation for a few minutes. I brought up the 16 trillion dollar deficit and the fiasco in Libya. I might as well have been talking to a kindergartner playing with dumbo blocks. 


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