This is a trend I began noticing around five or so years ago. Much in the same way women were portrayed as inferior, less intelligent, and someone who "knew their place" back in the 40's, 50's, and 60's, we are seeing this same pattern in modern day advertising towards men. Ever notice how the vast majority of television commercials featuring a couple most always portray the man in a negative manner and the woman in a positive manner? This is putting it lightly. Men are more often than not shown to be complete idiots, slobs, and pests while the women are of the utmost perfection. Here is a collection of videos available on Youtube featuring plenty of examples. If you can deal with the host's somewhat whiny, over sensitivity, there is much to be learned from these commercials. He does a brilliant job collecting and piecing all of these ads together in order to see a bigger picture.
And here is a video that specifically focuses on violence against men:
And here is a video that specifically focuses on violence against men:
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