Radical Muslims come in all varieties. Chinese plane in Xinjiang hijack attempt Xinjiang has seen sporadic violence over the past few years ...
Brian Terry family rips Obama administration.
And rightfully so! Meanwhile, the nation's tolerant, enlightened liberals continue to stand rank and file with Eric Holder. Bravo!
The election is now all about Obamacare. The floodgates have opened for a Republican landslide.
As the dust settles from the shady SCOTUS ruling on "we need to pass it so we can see what's in it" Obamacare, the whole dynam...
Barack Obama threatened the Supreme Court.
Not even the individual mandate was struck down. Do you find this a tad bit odd? Do you think for one second this executive privilege-Congre...
Romney vs. Obama state by state poll numbers. JUNE 27, 2012.
* This will become a weekly thing here up until election day to track the latest polling data in each state. For the current polling data, I...
Poor in America..."I drive a brand new Nissan SUV but I can't afford food."
The other night I caught a few fleeting moments of a 60 Minutes (I think?) special about former suburban Americans now caught in the grip of...
Goodness! How does a person like Charlie Rangel get votes (AGAIN)?
Charlie Rangel is a proven crook and tax cheat who was convicted of 11 different ethics violations 2 years ago. The Congress knew it and Ran...
Moderate American Muslims throw stones at peaceful Christian gathering in Michigan.
Praise Allah! H/T Gateway Pundit Behold, the most intolerant people in the world and they are residing within our borders. These are the s...
Arab Spring wasn't about democracy.
In 2011, when the Arab swing was in full force the consensus in the West among liberal circles and in virtually every mainstream media repor...
Obama vs. Romney state by state poll numbers. JUNE 20, 2012.
Let's compare the current match ups in each state compared to the results of the 2008 election. For the current polling data, I source t...
GREECE ATHENA MIDDLE SCHOOL bullies vs. Karen Klein. Kids torment old woman bus monitor. (VIDEO)
The video shows out of control youths screaming profanities and insults at an old woman who was the bus monitor on their school bus. This co...
Fast and Furious Finally at the Forefront
It only took a year and a half , but now as news breaks of Heinrich Holder ( this is Western Hero 's brilliant term but I love saying it...
Communism vs. Capitalism
Occupy protesters defend child sex trafficking! (PHOTOS)
All photos courtesy of Zombie . Occupy protesters gathered outside a hotel in Oakland to protest against a conference that aimed to combat c...
Soviet Union Propaganda Posters: They sound like Democrats!
"Higher the flag of Proletarian internationalism!" "We will destroy Kulak ( wealthy ) as a class!" "Capital" ...
Muslims slaughtering Christians in Nigeria again.
Nigeria church suicide bombings kill 19, spark reprisals Let's take a look at the wording in this article. Suicide car bombers attacked ...
CBS Evening News celebrates Father's Day with gay story.
I saw this and about puked. Didn't think anyone would pick up on it though (since no one watches the big 3 anymore) until I saw a link t...
New Obama TV Ad- Let's make the wealthiest pay more
This ad just came across my TV... "We will destroy Kulak (wealthy) as a class!" Make the wealthy pay more? Do people really buy in...
Who needs Congress? Obama legalizes illegal immigrants with stroke of a pen.
Reason #496 why I will be voting for Mitt Romney this fall. Obama bypasses Congress, halts illegal immigrant deportations Today was one of ...
Are you sick and tired of the word 'gay'?
Obama's Army Good. Here's some more. Panetta, Pentagon Marks First Gay Pride Month for Military How do you like that America?
Putting things in perspective: Obama vs. past presidents on job creation
H/T Blogs4Mitt
Obama loving teachers and leftist propaganda...just like Stalin.
Oh Jesus, John McCain... In 2008, Obama supporting teacher Diantha Harris of Cumberland County, North Carolina bullied a young female studen...
Obama was the "real winner" in Wisconsin?
Care to reassess, left? F ollowing Scott Walker's decisive victory part II in Wisconsin, Democrats flailed and floundered and fluttered...
Why Obama will lose in a landslide.
Mr. Root makes some good points, though I disagree that Obama will lose in a landslide. As predicted earlier , I see Romney winning in a ...
4 brothers strangle sister to death in Kuwait
Father, sons held for ‘honour killing’ in Kuwait Manama: Four Syrian brothers are facing murder charges after they allegedly admitted that ...
School principal chooses Justin Bieber song over God Bless America
Nothing new here. Another example of the fine liberals in charge of educating American children. Principal Bans ‘God Bless the USA’ in Favor...
Eric Holder: The body language of liars
H/T Capitalist Preservation for pouncing on this one. I encourage you to mute the volume and study Eric Holder's body language. What ...
You are not special! Teacher tells students like it is.
Finally someone said what needed to be said. The students will come to appreciate this later in life. He wants them to achieve greatness, bu...
Gerald Molen blacklisted by Ronan High School principal Tom Stack for being conservative.
MODERN BLACKLIST: OSCAR-WINNER MOLEN CENSORED FOR BEING CONSERVATIVE Molen is one of those rare conservatives in Hollywood (he’s even making...
Rand Paul endorses Mitt Romney. Ron Paul crazies go off the deep end....
Rand Paul might need an armed security detail for a while, or maybe the rest of his life considering the tenacity of the Paulistinians. The...