Will be gone tomorrow through the 15th of August for the Army. No blogging til then I'm afraid. Hold down the fort for old Hack. Until t...
Fellow blogger and friend Tim Daniel gets published again...
You might know him as the Left Coast Rebel . Tim is a great blogger and a great American! I'm proud to blog rank and file beside him. Ti...
Election year whoring: Obama to make appearance on The View
Perhaps the most narcissistic of any President we have ever had, President Wrecking Ball himself will grace the clucking chickens of ABC...
ACLU sues Texas town for jailing teens over unpaid tickets
ACLU Sues Hidalgo for Jailing Teens Over Unpaid Tickets How inhumane! Francisco De Luna got his first ticket at school just after his father...
The fascism of secular progressive American academia
This story, as outrageous as it is, doesn't surprise me. A student at Augusta State University was told she would not be able to graduat...
TBF Poll- John Dennis is my horse.
A pleasing field of conservatives we have this week. It's hard to choose... My choice is one not many people would agree with I think. I...
Obama: Could be worse, so keep voting Democrat
What a piece of work this guy is. We listened to his inane drivel about "HOPE" and "CHANGE" and a whole lot of "YES...
TBF Winner: Chip Cravaack
2,649 votes this week. That's how many people participated in this weeks TBF poll. Outstanding to all who contributed. Now fulfill our p...
Anti mosque protests on the rise
Anti-mosque protests on the rise, say Muslim advocates Opposition to the construction of mosques has skyrocketed in cities and towns across ...
Live rabbit prizes halted after PETA complains
You can always count on PETA to give you a good laugh. St. Francis of Assisi Parish festival prize prompts complaint from PETA “This year, a...
2 civil rights groups sue Nebraska town over illegal immigration ordinance
2 groups sue Nebraska city over immigration law We have moved from the inane to utter insanity. Amid relentless attacks by the left and othe...
Midweek Link Party. What's going on around the blogosphere...
The Last Tradition has a great post on how women like Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin are taking over the GOP in place of wimps like Boeh...
New Ten Buck Fridays Poll
Sorry I'm a bit late this week. My choice? Bobby Schilling hands down. Not only is he close to home, he is running against the fat windb...
Elena Kagan backed by Senate Judiciary Committee. Expected to be confirmed.
Judiciary panel OKs Elena Kagan for Supreme Court Until now, leftists only had control of two of the three branches of government. If this t...
Latin American nations join in on Arizona hate
LatAm nations bid to join Mexico in Arizona case Now we have all these dunghole countries who allow Marxist factions like the FARC (who endo...
Will Smith to star in movie as Biblical figure Cain. But wait, he's a vampire.
That's right folks. The obsession with vampires continues to ravage our society like a plague. Vampire obsession is no longer a simple t...
Muslims threaten to leave Facebook in droves if demands not met.
Time for another Islamic diaper change. What are the Muslims bitching about this time ? Apparently Facebook has become too offensive for the...
Ten Buck Fridays Winner: Van Irion
Strange name, outstanding candidate. This weeks winner is Republican Van Irion, who is running in Tennessee's 3rd Congressional district...
Congress passes financial regulation (banking seizure) bill.
Congress OKs Wall St. crackdown, consumer guards Congress on Thursday passed the stiffest restrictions on banks and Wall Street since the Gr...
HBO's John Adams Series
I have yet to finish the entire series and already all I can say is watch it ! I have yet to come across a better recreation of the American...
Hack Wilson Exclusive: One On One With Republican Congressional Candidate Liz Carter
Greetings and welcome to all Hack Wilson readers, fellow conservatives, Patriots, and any random passersby taking a glance at today's in...
You would have called me crazy if...
5 years ago, you would have called me crazy if I said NASA's primary mission is to make the Muslim world feel good about themselves. 5 y...
Ten Buck Fridays Poll for this week. Vote Charles Lollar.
I apologize for my absence over the weekend. Monthly duties for Uncle Sam kept me away from a computer. The new TBF poll is up for this week...
Jesse Jackson's ridiculous take on the LeBron James move to Miami
How in the world is it possible to bring race and politics into the recent LeBron James move? Just ask racebaiter Jesse Jackson, one of the ...
Palestinian mother wishes for ill son to become a suicide bomber...after recovering from treatment by an Israeli doctor.
Now this is just appalling, yet all too commonplace in the barbaric, bloody world of the Palestinian people. Here we have a story of a Pales...
When Multiculturalism goes too far.
In 1915, Theodore Roosevelt, regarded by many as the father of progressivism in America addressed the Knights of Columbus saying, "The ...
Unruly mob takes over downtown Philly after 4th of July celebration
"Unruly crowd" forms after 4th of July celebration As the crowds cleared for the night, a chaotic scene erupted on South Broad Str...
Upcoming interview with Congressional candidate Liz Carter
I will be hosting an exclusive online interview via email here at Hack Wilson with Liz Carter, candidate for Representative in the 4th distr...
Ten Buck Fridays New Poll! Vote Liz Carter!
Here are the candidates for this week! Bloggers post this poll by copy and pasting this code. My opinion? Vote LIZ CARTER for Georgia 4! L...
The Fourth of July
I will be absent from blogging this weekend as I will be partaking in various festivities for my favorite holiday. I give you a little tribu...
A follow up on Ten Buck Fridays winner Anna Little
New Jersey 6 is a vital district. We must take it this November. Tea Party backed Anna Little shows promise! Here's a video sent to me b...
Ten Buck Fridays: Round 3, Anna Little
Little in name and stature, but big in heart, and a lover of the Constitution above all else! Anna Little ran away with the vote this week ...
Well even if there isn't a birth certificate, I guess that doesn't matter!
Being an American "is not a matter of blood or birth" says King Obama. Then what defines being an American may I ask? Is that why...